Thursday 24 May 2012

I need to say that I  was never a comic book fan when I was younger.  I confess that I just didn't get it.  Why waste your time on some little cartoon world when there is so much more to see.  Now for the point, I am a Marvel lover!!!! Starting with Spider Man and moving on to X-Men, then you start to reign down your Iron Man, Captain America, and then Thor! I can't get enough!!!!!  So like other fans, I was thrilled when they announced the release date for The Avengers.  I tried to keep my excitement in check as the date got closer, but couldn't.  I was so excited! I went into the theatre with so much expectation that I figured no movie would ever match and I expected to walk away feeling a bit let down.  I was so wrong.  Before any of you start saying that it was nothing but a CGI extravaganza, I have this to say and listen closely..... IT'S A COMIC BOOK NOT THE GREAT AMERICAN NOVEL!  I feel better now.  If you go into every movie thinking it is going to explain the meaning of life in the subplot, you will more often than not be sadly disappointed.   The plot was basically simple, save the world, again.  Always a worthy goal.  This cast was helmed by Joss Whedon, and I think he did a fantastic job infusing the story with his particular sense of humour that in a single line of dialogue, can sum up a character (thank you hubby for that line, I couldn't agree more so I pilfered it, LOL).  Bravo.  The cast had a chemistry that kept the audience routing for them and loving them the whole way through.  I don't know how many audiences stay in their seats through the entire credits to ensure they don't miss anything anymore.  The fact that this happens with the Marvel based movies is a credit to the creators, actors, and developers.  Heck, I saw many a person bouncing around  because they needed to use the washroom, but refused to leave until the last credit fell.  I can just say that those people were amusingly rewarded :)   When I started watching these movies I couldn't have picked Stan Lee out of a line up, but now I watch every film carefully waiting for him to pop up.  Like a Where's Waldo treat for his fans.  Well Thank you Mr. Lee, consider me a convert!  I left this movie and couldn't stop telling everyone I talk  to that it was wonderfully funny with fantastic action sequences and a lot of heart! So I have to say that this ranks hi in my Love 'em list!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Welcome to my opinions!

Have you ever sat in the theatre and found yourself commenting, to a friend or, like some of us, even to ourselves, "Wow, that movie was fantastic" or even "Wow, but that film blows!"?  I figured, if I was going to keep having these reactions, I might as well share.  Who knows, maybe somebody might even want to listen. SHOCKER!!!  So this is a forum to let you know what I think of all the movies I see, gems and stinkers alike.  I will hold no punches and give you my straight forward, unvarnished truth.  I hope you enjoy my views, even if you don't always agree :)